Guide to Park Investment
♦ 滇中新区
Central Yunnan New Area
♦ 边(跨)境经济合作区
Border (Cross-border) Economic Cooperation Zone
♦ 综合保税区
Comprehensive Bonded Zone
♦ 瑞丽国家重点开发开放试验区
Ruili National Key Development and Opening-up
Experimental Zone
♦ 勐腊(磨憨)国家重点开发开放试验区
Mengla (Mohan) National Key
Development and Opening-up Experimental Zone
♦ 云南省国家级工业园区
National Industrial Parks of Yunnan
♦ 云南省省级工业园区
Provincial Industrial Parks of Yunnan
Strengthen Construction of
Industrial Parks
Promote Industrial Agglomeration Development
Parks are important carriers of
industrial agglomeration development and significant opening-up windows.
Currently, there are 132 industrial parks in Yunnan, including 70 above the
provincial level (including 7 national ones). In 2015, gross industrial output
value of all industrial parks of Yunnan achieved around RMB 975 billion. In
addition, Yunnan also has 8 border economic cooperation zones, 3 cross-border
economic cooperation zones, 2 bonded zones and 2 development and opening-up
experimental zones.
Yunnan has put forward a spatial
arrangement planning for industrial development of industrial parks, namely
"one core, two wings, three axles and two zones", for preliminary
positioning of pillar industries of provincial key industrial parks and
proposed 42 industrial cluster cultivation orientations to promote park
transformation in terms economic growth pattern, establishment mode, management
mode and industrial development way.
In the period of the "13th Five-Year Period", Yunnan will boost development of characteristic and
clustered parks, focus on key parks, clearly define characteristic functions,
better strengthen pillar industries, and impel clustering of advantageous
enterprises, industries and production elements in key areas and characteristic
parks to enhance the industrial competitiveness. It will try to construct 10
parks with more than RMB 100 billion of prime operating revenue and 50 parks
with more than RMB 10 billion of prime operating revenue by 2020.
Central Yunnan New Area
In September 2015, the State Council
officially approved to set up Central Yunnan New Area. It will be built into an
international high-tech industrial new area which is suitable for living and
trade and provided with modern functions, integration of industry and living
and integrated development, become an important pivot of the radiation center
opened up to South Asia and Southeast Asia, an important economic growth pole
for gateway construction of Yunnan, the comprehensive experimental zone of
new-type urbanization of Western China and a pioneer zone of reform and
The early planning area of Central
Yunnan New Area covers part of Anning City, Songming County and Guandu District
and the core area is 482km2.
Development vision of Central Yunnan New
Area for the "13th Five-Year Plan": In 2018, initial
success will be achieved for industrial cultivation focusing on petroleum
refining, automobile and modern equipment manufacturing, electronic
information, general aviation, bio-pharmaceutical, new materials and commercial
service; and in 2020, infrastructure network will be formed in the new area,
modern industrial system will be formed basically and the regional GDP will be
quadrupled to hit RMB 200 billion.
(Cross-border) Economic Cooperation Zone
4 national border economic cooperation zones:
Ruili, Wanding
Hekou, Lincang
5 provincial border economic cooperation zones:
Malipo (Tianbao)
Tengchong (Houqiao)
Menglian (Meng'e)
Lushui (Pianma)
Mengla (Mohan)
3 Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zones:
Mohan - Boten
Hekou - Lao Cai
Ruili - Muse
Ruili Border Economic Cooperation Zone
is a comprehensive development zone based on import&export processing,
involving hot area resource development and development of such industries as
commerce & trade, finance and tourism, and enjoying provincial economic
management authority.
According to the functional orientation
of making the best of raw materials and markets of China and Myanmar, Wanding
Border Economic Cooperation Zone is engaged in international trade, foreign
trade, border trade, border trade processing, agricultural resource
development, international economic, labor and technical cooperation, and
tourism development.
Hekou Border Economic Cooperation Zone
has been constructed into a modern border economic cooperation zone having
complete infrastructure, multiple functions and reasonable industrial
distribution and integrating import & export processing, international
logistics, border trade, cross-border trade and tourism.
Border Economic Cooperation Zone will foster five pillar industries:
characteristic high-quality agricultural product industry, trade logistics
industry, mineral-electric industry, textile electromechanical industry and
eco-culture tourism.
Comprehensive Bonded
Located in Honghe Prefecture, Honghe
Comprehensive Bonded Zone is a special customs development zone with the
highest opening-up level in inland area, the most functions, the best
preferential policies and the most simplified procedures and has core functions
such as bonded processing, bonded logistics and bonded service.
In this bonded zone, enterprise cargos
and products exported are exempted from export tariff; tax refund policy is
applied to domestic cargoes entering the zone; if cargos processed and produced
by enterprises in the zone are directly exported and sold to enterprises in the
zone, VAT and consumption are exempted.
Kunming Comprehensive Bonded Zone has a
total planning area of 2km2 and is divided into Zone A and Zone B.
Zone A is located in the export processing area of Kunming National Economic
& Technological Development Zone and Zone B is located near Kunming
Changshui International Airport.
The development focus of Zone A is
characteristic and competitive industries of Yunnan and surrounding countries,
including resource industry, jewelry and jade, bio-pharmaceutical and food, to
emphasize the functions of bonded processing and bonded logistics. Zone B
relies on Kunming Changshui International Airport, focuses on international
enter pot trade, warehousing, processing and the like, and highlights such functions
as bonded trade, bonded service, bonded logistics, bonded processing and
Comprehensive Bonded Zone is a significant platform supporting opening-up of
regional economy. In the period of the "13th Five-Year
Plan", it will pursue innovative development based on the idea of
industrial chain investment invitation, and introduce fund, technology and high
quality constantly, to form an investment invitation pattern featured by
effective interaction, foreign capital introduction and domestic connection and
to further drive economic development of other prefectures and cities of
Ruili National Key
Development and Opening-up Experimental Zone
Ruili National Key Development and
Opening-up Experimental Zone is located in Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous
Prefecture in west Yunnan, at the intersection of China Economic Circle, South
Asia Economic Circle and ASEAN Economic Circle and directly leads to Kyaukpyu
(Myanmar), Rangoon and the Bay of Bengal southward. It is the most convenient
and economical land passage of China to the Indian Ocean through Myanmar and
also an important gateway that is open to Southeast Asia, South Asia and other
countries around the Indian Ocean.
6 key functional zones are planned in
the experimental zone: border economic cooperation zone, international
logistics and warehousing zone, international trade and tourism service zone,
import & export processing zone, characteristic agriculture demonstration
zone and ecological barrier zone.
Investing enterprises will enjoy
multiple preferential policies such as those related to the new round of
Western Development, border policies and minority policies. This experimental
zone will become a new investment place and land of development, especially due
to the implementation of nationally granted special preferential policies for
financial taxation, investment & financing, industry & trade, land
resource and opening-up.
the period of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Dehong Prefecture
will, in line with the construction goals of "special border zone,
forefront of opening up and beautiful Dehong", improve the level of border
development and opening-up, upgrade this experimental zone and turn it into a
key node of the radiation center opened up to South Asia and Southeast Asia.
(Mohan) National Key Development and Opening-up Experimental Zone
The State Council approved to set up
Mengla (Mohan) National Key Development and Opening-up Experimental Zone on
July 23, 2015. This experimental zone is located in the southernmost of
Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, connected to land of Laos in the east, south and west,
and separated from Myanmar by river in the west. It covers almost 4,500km2.
As an important forefront of cooperation
between China and Indochina Peninsula, this experimental zone will be built
into a significant platform of China – Laos strategic cooperation and a comprehensive
traffic hub linking China and Indochina Peninsula. In addition, a moderately
prosperous society will be built for the southwest border areas and minority
areas synchronously with other places in China through deepening Lancang-Mekong
River Subregion Cooperation and maintaining national unity and social stability
of border areas.
Five functions of this experimental zone
include a significant platform of China – Laos strategic cooperation, a
comprehensive traffic hub linking China and Indochina Peninsula, an important
growth pole of border areas, a pioneer of ecological civilization construction
and a demonstration zone "bringing harmony, security and prosperity to
experimental zone will focus on the development of characteristic agriculture,
biological industry, import & export processing, trade logistics industry
and cultural tourism. It will also spare no efforts to establish "Golden
Square Tourism Circle" (Jinghong – Luang Prabang – Chiengmai - Kengtung)
to turn Xishuangbanna into a distribution center of China open to Indochina
Peninsula and for tourists from Indochina Peninsula entering China.
Industrial Park
Yunnan Province at present has 132
industrial parks, including 70 at and above the provincial level (including 10
national ones)
parks are main carriers of Yunnan for undertaking industrial transfer and
promoting transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. The
preliminary regional industrial division and spatial planning for development
of parks is "one core, two wings, three axles and two areas", leading
industries of "10+50" and provincial industrial parks, and 42
industrial cluster cultivation orientations.
National New
Areas/Industrial Parks of Yunnan
序号 |
名称 |
地理位置 |
规划面积 |
产业走位 |
基础设施 |
联系方式 |
1 |
云南滇中新区 |
位于昆明市主城区东西两侧,初期规划范围包括安宁市、嵩明县和官渡区部分区域 |
482平方公里 |
大力发展石化、汽车及现代装备制造、电子信息、通用航空、生物医药,新材料及现代服务业 |
沪昆、成昆铁路以及京昆、沪昆、渝昆、杭瑞等国家高速公路和多条国道贯穿新区拥有昆明长水国际机场 |
0871-67336472 |
2 |
昆明经济技术开发区 |
昆明主城、新城及昆明新机场的三角区域的中心区 |
11.3平方公里,已开发6.58平方公里 |
光电子信息产业、装备制造业、生物医药、烟草及配套、绿色食品加工 |
道路、供排水、通讯、电力等设施完备,银行、邮局、电信局、医院、学校已入园 |
0871-68163015 |
3 |
昆明高新技术开发区 |
昆明市区西北部 |
9平方公里,首期开发5平方公里 |
生物医药、电子信息、新材料、光机电一体化 |
拥有完善的水电气、通讯设施及银行、保税库、学校、商住小区、公寓等服务设施 |
0871-68355189 |
4 |
嵩明杨林经济技术开发区 |
距昆明市区34公里、距昆明长水国际机场12公里,和空港经济区相连 |
54.19平方公里 |
以汽车制造及零部件配套产业为核心支柱,以机械装备制造、食品饮料、新型材料等4大产业引导的“1+4”产业布局 |
主干道路、水厂、供排水管网等基础设施完备;公安、交警、银行、医疗机构等服务单位已进入园区 |
0871-67972700 |
5 |
曲靖经济技术开发区 |
曲靖市 |
管理面积157平方公里,区内有西城、南海子2个省级重点工业园区和1个国际合作的云南(曲靖)国际农业食品科技园 |
有色金属、光伏子、汽车装备制造、特色轻工业和现代农业"五大产业集群" |
开发区内基础设施完善,配套齐全,水、电资源充足并全部实现"六通一平 |
0874-3316918 |
6 |
玉溪高新技术开发区 |
地处滇南交通要道,距昆明100公里 |
25.44平方公里,园区布局园五片 |
烟草及其配套、生物制药、农特产品加工、高新技术等产业 |
已完成部分路网、通讯线路、11万伏专用变电站及输电线路、给水、排水管道及服务网点和配套住宅等基础设施建设 |
0877-6562675 |
7 |
蒙自经济技术开发区 |
红河州,地处323国道和326国道和泛亚铁路交汇枢纽地带的中心位置 |
65平方公里,主体园区位于个旧大屯镇和蒙自雨过铺 |
冶金、高新技术、生物资源加工、煤化工、出口加工等 |
新建了22万伏变电站两条输电专线,建成日供水17万立方水厂一座及8公里长隧道和污水处理厂,新建园区主干道15公里 |
0873-3732909 |
8 |
大理经济技术开发区 |
大理市东南,距主城区10公里 |
30平方公里,已开发1.5平方公里,一园五片区结构 |
建材、生物制药与食品加工、轻化工、汽车制造与机械加工、纺织服装 |
供水、电力、通讯等主要设施已建成,完成“三纵一横”的道路建设,可满足建设需求 |
0872-2484941 |
Provincial Industrial Parks in Yunnan
序号 |
名称 |
联系方式 |
序号 |
名称 |
联系方式 |
1 |
昆明呈贡工业园区 |
0871-67490205 |
16 |
普洱工业园区 |
0879-8888513 |
2 |
昆明海口工业园区 |
13888275777 |
17 |
普洱景谷林产工业园区 |
0879-5116355 |
3 |
昆明寻甸工业园区 |
0871-62662529 |
18 |
景洪工业园区 |
0691-8998031 |
4 |
东川再就业特色产业园区 |
0871-62784816 |
19 |
西双版纳勐海云麻产业业园区 |
0691-5162279 |
5 |
昭通昭阳工业园区 |
0870-2833855 |
20 |
西双版纳磨憨进出口加工园区 |
0691-8811204 |
6 |
昭通水富特色工业园区 |
0870-8632765 |
21 |
大理祥云财富工业园区 |
0872-3129420 |
7 |
昭通彝良工业园区 |
0870-3082066 |
22 |
大理邓川工业园区 |
0872-5384008 |
8 |
曲靖煤化工工业园区 |
0874-3164574 |
23 |
保山工业园区 |
0875-2199518 |
9 |
曲靖宣威工业园区 |
0874-7140666 |
24 |
腾冲工业园区 |
0875-5146019 |
10 |
楚雄工业园区 |
0878-3397871 |
25 |
德宏芒市工业园区 |
0692-2139603 |
11 |
楚雄禄丰工业园区 |
0878-4122700 |
26 |
德宏瑞丽工业园区 |
0692-4122898 |
12 |
玉溪通海五金产业园区 |
0877-3806003 |
27 |
丽江南口工业园区 |
0888-5157468 |
13 |
红河弥勒工业园区 |
0873-6131919 |
28 |
丽江永胜工业园区 |
0888-6527437 |
14 |
文山三七产业园区 |
0876-2151437 |
29 |
怒江兰坪工业园区 |
0886-3215293 |
15 |
文山马塘工业园区 |
0876-2121259 |
30 |
迪庆香格里拉工业园区 |
0887-8222256 |
Provincial Industrial Parks in Yunnan
序号 |
名称 |
联系方式 |
序号 |
名称 |
联系方式 |
31 |
临沧工业园区 |
0883-2161201 |
47 |
昆明倘甸产业园区 |
0871-68969942 |
32 |
玉溪研和工业园区 |
0877-2991101 |
48 |
越州工业园区 |
0874-3939788 |
33 |
晋宁工业园区 |
0871-67808946 |
49 |
禄劝工业园区 |
0871-63329258 |
34 |
富民工业园区 |
0871-68810500 |
50 |
罗平工业园区 |
0874-8758746 |
35 |
五华科技产业园区 |
0871-66233383 |
51 |
马龙工业园区 |
0874-8880913 |
36 |
宜良工业园区 |
0871-67515166 |
52 |
大姚工业园区 |
0878-6222934 |
37 |
石林生态工业集中区 |
0871-67787821 |
53 |
华宁工业园区 |
0877-5016396 |
38 |
鲁甸工业园区 |
0870-3014050 |
54 |
个旧特色工业园区 |
0873-2123720 |
39 |
彝良工业园区 |
0870-3082066 |
55 |
建水工业园区 |
0873-7618340 |
40 |
师宗工业园区 |
0874-5756560 |
56 |
蒙自工业园区 |
0873-3725981 |
41 |
陆良工业园区 |
0874-6336118 |
57 |
砚山工业园区 |
0876-3122080 |
42 |
新平矿业循环经济工业园区 |
0877-7019187 |
58 |
鹤庆工业园区 |
0872-4121360 |
43 |
易门陶瓷特色工业园区 |
0877-4861456 |
59 |
昌宁物流资源加工工业园区 |
0875-7131779 |
44 |
泸西工业园区 |
0873-6654468 |
60 |
龙陵工业园区 |
0875-6121131 |
45 |
保山水长工业园区 |
0875-2221727 |
61 |
盈江工业园区 |
0692-8188689 |
46 |
华坪工业园区 |
0888-6129858 |
62 |
安宁工业园区 |
0871-8686726 |